staying true to our values cruelty free always

Staying True to Our Values: Earth Conscious, Always Cruelty-Free


In a world where big corporations often buy up smaller brands, sometimes sustainable brands and sometimes compromising their original values- we’re proud to say Earth Conscious is different. We’re staying independent to stay true to what matters: ethical, sustainable, and 100% cruelty-free products. 

100% Cruelty-Free, Today and Always 

From day one, we made a promise: no animal testing, no compromises. While some brands shift their values when ownership changes, we’re committed to remaining cruelty-free, today and always. Every Earth Conscious natural deodorant is made with care, ensuring high-quality, natural ingredients that respect both your skin and the planet.

Commitment to Certified Cruelty-Free Standards 

We’re proudly certified by Leaping Bunny, the gold standard in cruelty-free certification, run by Cruelty Free International. This means every ingredient we use has been thoroughly vetted to ensure it has never been tested on animals either.

Our commitment also means that we do not sell to countries that still have a requirement for animal testing on cosmetics. To eliminate any risk, we simply do not sell there - it doesn’t always have to be about the profits does it.

We also support the work of Naturewatch Foundation, a charity dedicated to ending animal cruelty worldwide, including their tireless efforts to promote ethical consumer choices. We are proud to be included in their Compassionate Shopping Guide.

These certifications aren’t just logos; they’re a promise that we remain committed to ethical, animal-friendly practices. 

It’s Not Just the Finished Product—It’s Every Ingredient 🌱

Some brands claim to be cruelty-free while only referring to their finished product. At Earth Conscious, we go further. Our commitment to being cruelty-free extends to every single ingredient we use. It’s not just about ensuring that our deodorants aren’t tested on animals—it’s about making sure that every supplier and source upholds the same standards. This is why we undergo audits by Leaping Bunny, ensuring full transparency and accountability at every stage. When you choose Earth Conscious, you’re choosing a product that’s cruelty-free from start to finish.

Why Independence Matters 💚

When big corporations take over natural brands, core values can sometimes take a backseat. Profit-driven decisions can lead to changes in formulations, ethical sourcing, and even animal testing policies. That’s not us. Staying independent allows us to control every part of our process—from sourcing to production—so you can trust that what you're using aligns with your values. Again, this is why we will choose not to sell in countries where animal testing still takes place.

The Power of Conscious Choices 🌍

Every time you choose an Earth Conscious natural deodorant, you’re supporting a brand that will not compromise on its core values. You’re making a stand for cruelty-free, sustainable living. And most importantly, you’re part of a movement that believes businesses should be kind—to animals, to people, and to the planet.

Together, we’re proving that conscious choices can make a real difference. Thank you for supporting a brand that stays true to its word. 💚🐰



#StayEarthConscious #CrueltyFreeForever #IndependentAndEthical


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